
Exploration and Exploitation

Exploration and Exploitation are two fundamental processes in reinforcement learning. In short, exploration is about learning something new, and exploitation is about making decisions based on known information. Balancing these two is crucial. Exploration Through this...

Avoiding Conflicts on GitHub: The Power of Locking

GitHub is a hub of collaboration where developers come together to work on projects, share ideas, and resolve issues. While this collaborative environment is one of GitHub's strengths, it can also give rise to commit conflicts. GitHub provides a powerful tool called...

Unreal Engine Basic Terminology

Unreal Engine is a powerful and versatile game development engine created by Epic Games. With its real-time rendering capabilities, visual scripting system (Blueprints), and robust physics engine, Unreal Engine empowers developers to bring their creative visions to...

Confusion Matrices with Heatmaps: Implementation in Python with seaborn and scikit-learn

Understanding and effectively utilizing a confusion matrix and heatmap is crucial for anyone dealing with classification problems in machine learning. In this blog post, we'll dive into the intricacies of these powerful tools, providing clear explanations and...

Create a Progressbar using tqdm and Python

tqdm is a must need python package for all data scientists and artificial intelligence researchers/developers. Sometimes, we need to visualize what is going on in the background. Some programs may require hours to several days to finish. In that case, a progress bar...

Basic Anaconda Commands

Anaconda is a fantastic tool for all deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision researcher. It reduces tons of extra work for setting up environments and tools. Personally, I love it so much. Anaconda Navigator is a great UI for setting up environments and...

Hand joint detection using OpenCV and MediaPipe

MediaPipe is a cross-platform framework for building multimodal applied machine learning pipelines. MediaPipe Python package is available on PyPI for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Today we will write a simple code for hand joint detection using OpenCV. At...

Supervised Learning Algorithms

Overview of Supervised Learning Supervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that is designed to map input data to labeled output data. In supervised learning, an algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset, which means that each example in the dataset is...


Matplotlib is a widely used visualization library in Python that allows easy creation of various types of line charts, bar charts, histograms, etc. Since Matplotlib is a visualization library, each example can be quite extensive. Here, we will try to understand this...

How to display a bar chart in a different color in python

When we use the bar chart in matplotlib python library, the default bar color is uniform. We can change it by simply using the set_color() property. For example, follow this code snippet- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure()[1,2,3,4],...


Numerical NumPy, commonly known as NumPy, is a significant library among Python's numerous libraries. It is widely used for various types of numerical and scientific computing. It is unparalleled for working with multi-dimensional arrays. Let's first see how we can...

What is MSE?

MSE is known as Mean Squared Error. Basically, it is an optimization problem that is predominately used in image processing, signal processing, etc. Also, it is used as a loss function in machine learning and deep learning. MSE is calculated by squaring the difference...
GUI Programming in Python

GUI Programming in Python

Previously, we touched upon GUI in the section on what can be done with Python. For the sake of discussion, let's revisit a few points. GUI stands...

File in Python

File in Python

So far, all the programs we have seen are console-based, meaning we see the output on the computer screen. But what if we want to save our results...

Error Handling in Python

Error Handling in Python

When programming, encountering errors or mistakes is very common, but fixing them can be a complex task. A good programmer is characterized by their...

Polymorphism in Python

Polymorphism in Python

Similar to inheritance, polymorphism is an important paradigm in object-oriented programming. Polymorphism in object-oriented programming refers to...

Inheritance in Python

Inheritance in Python

Inheritance is a unique feature of any object-oriented programming language. It is a simple concept. Consider this: your father owns a car, which...

Module in Python

Module in Python

A module in Python is an object that acts as a reference library. In short, each module is a file where various classes, functions, or variable...