“Hello World” in Python

“Hello World” in Python

Programmers usually start writing their first program with “Hello World”. We will also start with “Hello World” here. However, to run your first Python program, you must have Python installed and the environment set up. Otherwise, if there are...
Python Environment Setup

Python Environment Setup

Command Line Interface (CLI) To use the command line interface, we first need to install Python’s core package. This varies for different operating systems. Windows First, download the latest version 3 of Python from this link. Once downloaded, double-click on...
Python Interpreter

Python Interpreter

You might already know that machines or computers always operate in machine language, meaning that regardless of the language we use, it must be translated into a form comprehensible to the computer; this task is performed by an interpreter or a compiler. An...


A stack is a type of abstract data type. In a stack, data is stored in a sequential list format, and the primary operations, such as adding or deleting an element, occur at one end (top) of the stack. This is why it is referred to as Last In First Out (LIFO). The...


A queue, like a stack, is a type of abstract data type. A queue is an ordered list where data is inserted at one end and deleted from the other end. The end where data is inserted is called the front, and the end where data is deleted is called the rear. A queue...