What is MSE?

What is MSE?

MSE is known as Mean Squared Error. Basically, it is an optimization problem that is predominately used in image processing, signal processing, etc. Also, it is used as a loss function in machine learning and deep learning. MSE is calculated by squaring the difference...
What is PSNR?

What is PSNR?

Peak signal to noise ratio is known as PSNR. It is the most popular technique to make a comparison between images or signals. We can get quantitive compression values by PSNR. The PSNR value is mostly dependent on the MSE we discussed before. To avoid unnecessarily...
Heuristic Approach

Heuristic Approach

  Literally “heuristic” means to find or search for something. The name implies that the heuristic method is that the process through which any solution or idea that has previously acquired or experienced. Just like “Trial and Error” or...