Dictionary in Python

Dictionary in Python

Similar to sets, the dictionary data type in Python is a special data structure not commonly seen in other programming languages. In a dictionary, data is organized as key-value pairs. Values can be accessed using keys. Dictionaries are written inside curly braces. #...
Sets in Python

Sets in Python

A set in Python is a unique data structure based on the mathematical concept of a set. It does not follow any order or index. Elements in a set are written inside curly braces. # This program is an example of set in python...
Tuples in Python

Tuples in Python

Similar to lists, tuples are an important data type in Python. Tuples follow a specific order; however, unlike lists, their elements cannot be changed. The elements in a tuple are separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. # This program is an example of tuple...
List in Python

List in Python

Lists are a widely used data type in Python. In most programming languages, they are known as arrays. They follow a specific order and can be modified. In Python, list values are separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets. # This program is an example of list...
String in Python

String in Python

Strings have already been discussed in the Data Types section; But the prevalence of strings is so high that it is necessary to make a separate post. So here we will discuss Python strings and its built-in functions in detail. In last blog post we showed just...