In programming, recursion is an important topic. When a function calls itself, it is called recursion. Python allows the use of recursion. When thinking about recursion, the first example that comes to mind is calculating the factorial of a number. Let’s look at recursion with the help of a factorial example:

# This program is an example of recursion in python

def recursion_python(value):
        return 1
        return (value*recursion_python(value-1))
print(recursion_python(5)) # function call



Since we have already discussed Python in detail, there is no need to go into the basics of functions. Notice in line 7, the function name recursion_python() calls itself within the function.

When it reaches line 7, value (which is 5) is multiplied by value - 1 (which is 4). Similarly, when this function is called again, it multiplies by value - 1 (which is 3). This process continues until the value becomes 1, at which point it exits. So, the multiplication sequence is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

I hope you have understood recursion well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you, everyone.

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